Package-level declarations


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sealed class ScaleOrigin

Option to define an origin, at which point of an origin geometry the scaling will occur


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fun bezierSpline(line: LineString, duration: Int, sharpness: Double = 0.85): LineString

Takes a LineString and returns a curved version by applying a Bezier spline algorithm.

fun bezierSpline(coords: List<Position>, duration: Int, sharpness: Double = 0.85): List<Position>

Takes a list of Position and returns a curved version by applying a Bezier spline algorithm.

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fun circle(center: Point, radius: Double, steps: Int = 64, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): Polygon

Takes a Point and calculates the circle polygon given a radius in degrees, radians, miles, or kilometers; and steps for precision.

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fun <T : Geometry> scale(geometry: T, factor: Double, origin: ScaleOrigin = ScaleOrigin.Centroid): T

Scale a GeoJson from a given point by a factor of scaling (ex: factor=2 would make the GeoJson 200% larger). If a GeometryCollection is provided, the origin point will be calculated based on each individual Feature.