Package-level declarations


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distance on calculated with nearestPointOnLine. Will throw a NoSuchElementException when property is not available. For a safe cal access properties with key NearestPointOnLine.DISTANCE_TO_POINT

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index on calculated with nearestPointOnLine. Will throw a NoSuchElementException when property is not available. For a safe cal access properties with key NearestPointOnLine.INDEX

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location on calculated with nearestPointOnLine. Will throw a NoSuchElementException when property is not available. For a safe cal access properties with key NearestPointOnLine.LOCATION


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Returns intersecting points between two LineStrings.

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fun lineSlice(start: Position, stop: Position, line: LineString): LineString

Takes a LineString, a start and a stop Position and returns a subsection of the line between those points. The start and stop points do not need to fall exactly on the line.

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fun nearestPointOnLine(line: LineString, point: Position, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): Feature<Point>

Finds the closest Position along a LineString to a given position

fun nearestPointOnLine(lines: MultiLineString, point: Position, units: Units = Units.Kilometers): Feature<Point>

Finds the closest Position along a MultiLineString to a given position