Package-level declarations


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class FeatureCollectionDsl(features: MutableList<Feature<Geometry>> = mutableListOf(), var bbox: BoundingBox? = null, val foreignMembers: MutableMap<String, Any> = mutableMapOf())
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class GeometryCollectionDsl(geometries: MutableList<Geometry> = mutableListOf()) : GeometryDsl<GeometryCollection>
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abstract class GeometryDsl<T : Geometry>
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class LineStringDsl(points: MutableList<Position> = mutableListOf()) : GeometryDsl<LineString>
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class MultiLineStringDsl(coordinates: MutableList<List<Position>> = mutableListOf()) : GeometryDsl<MultiLineString>
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class MultiPointDsl(points: MutableList<Position> = mutableListOf()) : GeometryDsl<MultiPoint>
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class MultiPolygonDsl(coordinates: MutableList<List<List<Position>>> = mutableListOf()) : GeometryDsl<MultiPolygon>
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class PointDsl(coordinates: Position) : GeometryDsl<Point>
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class PolygonDsl(coordinates: MutableList<List<Position>> = mutableListOf()) : GeometryDsl<Polygon>
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inline fun <T : Geometry> feature(geometry: T? = null, id: String? = null, bbox: BoundingBox? = null, foreignMembers: ForeignMembersBuilder.() -> Unit = {}, properties: PropertiesBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Feature<T>
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inline fun lineString(block: LineStringDsl.() -> Unit): LineString
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fun lngLat(longitude: Double, latitude: Double): Position
fun lngLat(longitude: Double, latitude: Double, altitude: Double): Position
fun lngLat(longitude: Double, latitude: Double, altitude: Double?): Position
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inline fun multiPoint(block: MultiPointDsl.() -> Unit): MultiPoint
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inline fun multiPolygon(block: MultiPolygonDsl.() -> Unit): MultiPolygon
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inline fun point(longitude: Double, latitude: Double, altitude: Double? = null, block: PointDsl.() -> Unit = {}): Point
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inline fun polygon(block: PolygonDsl.() -> Unit): Polygon